Guidelines for the Guest Editor

the world of music

Guidelines for the Guest Editor:

Guest Editors are formally invited by the Editors to be responsible for a specific volume. Prospective Guest Editors are welcome to present their suggested topics to the Editors.

Guest Editors are free to define the topic of your issue and to choose authors according to their own concept of what might be informatively discussed in an issue with five or six articles and what would be manageable within the strict time limits of production. The average article contains not more than 20 printed pages (if 6 articles) or 15 printed pages (if 8 articles), which include however space for the abstract, pictures/illustrations and their captions, and bibliography. We estimate approximately 2,800 characters per printed page (550 words). Altogether, the articles should encompass up to 120 printed pages. Please submit final manuscripts in hard copy form as well as on 3.5 inch computer diskettes formatted for IBM-compatible computers indicating which word processing software was used (MacIntosh users should please reformat their files before submitting them). The publisher has their own formatting template, so manuscripts should be kept simple: no special fonts (even for titles or headings), single spaced and using only italics and bold print, where necessary.

Guest Editors are responsible for the concept of the issue and should edit the submitted manuscripts in terms of scholarly content. Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editors in Bamberg in idiomatic English; translations cannot be financed. Final copy editing will be done by the Editors, with credit given to the Guest Editor of the volume. Guest Editors are welcome to write a Preface to the issue; its length should be counted among the maximum 120 final printed pages.

While conceiving the issue, please keep in mind that the world of music offers the possibility for high-quality reproduction of photographic material. Authors should submit camera-ready copy, which may include photographs (black-and-white or color with good contrast), slides, diagrams and illustrations, and musical notation, with captions and credits provided.

In light of our experiences in the past years up to seven scholars should be invited in order to finally receive five papers.

Only research data not yet published elsewhere should be accepted for publication in the journal. You can decide whether a manuscript should be reviewed by referees. In case an independent evaluation seems to be necessary, you are free to choose the referees.

Suggestions for book and record reviews (and possible reviewers) in connection with the topic and the issue under concern are highly welcomed.

Cooperation between Guest Editor and Editors of the world of music

Please inform the Editors of the world of music about the authors invited, their institutional affiliations, addresses, telephone, fax and e-mail addresses at your earliest convenience.
By the following appropriate deadlines, all manuscripts (diskettes and hard copies) should be delivered by the Guest Editor to the University of Bamberg address:

Vol. 1: September 30th
Vol. 2: January 31st
Vol. 3: May 31st

If you are not sure if the necessary amount of manuscript pages will be submitted in time or if the maximum amount of pages might be exceeded considerably, please contact the Editors in Bamberg without delay.
You will receive the full first set of galleys for a final check.

Upon publication, the Guest Editor will receive two free copies of the issue. Each author receives 25 off-prints of their article and one free copy of the issue. All authors also have the right to order their volume and all other publications of the Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung in Berlin at a 30% discount.

The Editors look forward to working with you!

Max Peter Baumann
last revision: Thursday, March 30, 2006
the world of music
University of Bamberg, Ethnomusicology